Pricing Solutions

How To Build In New Site Success: Ground Decisions in Data-Driven Reality

How To Build In New Site Success: Ground Decisions in Data-Driven Reality

When winter makes way for spring, it’s time to build. For fuel and convenience retailers, this is the season when big hopes turn into real plans and—when everything goes right—ground breaks on a new site build. It’s time to make your bet on a location, site layout and fuel brand. The tough reality? Every decision carries risk, and it may be years before you know whether your investment will pay out. 

Four Signs that Market-Driven Fuel Pricing is Coming to India

Four Signs that Market-Driven Fuel Pricing is Coming to India

by Jude D’Souza, Regional VP — India

In markets around the world where prices have been deregulated, market-driven pricing is a regular practice. Micro-market pricing is a primary tool that fuel retailers use to stay competitive, attract customers and maintain sales volume. In October 2014, diesel prices in India were deregulated. Some established fuel retailers don’t believe market-driven pricing will emerge. They are betting that the business landscape will stay the same, even though market conditions have changed. Kalibrate, with its global experience and expertise, sees four signs that show that change — including market-driven pricing — is coming faster than they realize.